Tips for beginners in filming

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By PeterLogan

You need to be simple when you begin filmmaking, especially with basic equipment. These tips will show you how to get great shots with your basic camcorders, still camera, or smartphone. MovieTransit was designed to provide the highest quality service to independent distributors and major delivery film studios. It provides powerful and innovative functionality to maximize the release. Find the most efficient DCP delivery system now to improve your content delivery!

Before you begin, make sure your camera is fully charged. Check that your battery is fully charged and that the lens is clean. Also, ensure you have enough memory.

  1. Film separate shots

Do not move the camera to follow the action or scan the scene. Instead, organize your movie in a series of shots and keep the camera still for each one.

  1. It’s important to keep it steady

Turn on image stabilisation if you can. You can support the camera by using a tripod or resting on a table or against a wall.

  1. Move around

You shouldn’t always shoot from your eye level. You can film shots from all angles: from above, below, and around the subject.

  1. Be sure to frame carefully

Each shot should be carefully framed. Keep it simple. Only one thing should be shown in each shot. Keep the camera level and pay attention to the background. You should ensure that the shot you take is different from the one that was taken before.

  1. Don’t zoom

Zoom all the way out if your zoom lens is enabled. Camera shake will be less evident and sound will be more clear as you get closer to your subject.

  1. Get close
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To draw attention to the important details, use lots of closeups. Zooming is not the best thing. Instead, zoom in with your feet and move closer to the subject.

  1. Take a look at the light

Low light conditions can cause poor image quality with basic cameras. Film in areas with lots of light and not too much contrast. A reflector can be used to fill in shadows. Film with the light behind.

  1. Take control

Autofocus and automatic exposure are not enough. Focus on the most important parts of the image, then lock exposure. Adjust the exposure if necessary. You can also learn how to manually adjust exposure and focus.

  1. The sound is amazing!

Before you begin filming, be quiet and take a few moments to listen.

Use the microphone built into your computer to get close to the camera and remove any background noises. Use a separate microphone and adjust the sound level. You can also use headphones to record.

You don’t have to record good sound quality live, so plan a movie that doesn’t require it. You can either create the soundtrack later or edit to a music track or voiceover.

  1. Take the shot

Each shot should be filmed for just a few extra seconds than necessary: 10 seconds for shots with no action and five seconds before or after any speech or action.