Tips for Writing a Daily Science Fiction Novel

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By PeterLogan

Daily Science fiction, also known as speculative fiction, is one of the most beloved, diverse, and enduring genres. It includes everything from H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds to contemporary dystopian or cyberpunk varieties.

What is Daily Science Fiction?

Daily Science Fiction takes readers to a world that is an extension of ours. This is because the reality of science fiction differs in a key way from our real world.

Writing a Science Fiction Novel: Tips

  • It is not an easy task to write a science fiction novel. Like any novel, it is important to create a compelling plot, draw out interesting characters and write clear, vivid prose. Writing science fiction is a different kind of writing. These are five tips to help you create a memorable science fiction novel.
  • Daily science fiction is all about ideas. A great idea is the key to a good story in daily science fiction. You should have a sense of the question you want to ask before you begin writing. These questions in sci-fi can be either implicit or explicit. Many early works of scifi, for example, make the question clear. H. G. Wells’s War of the Worlds asks the question: What would happen if technologically advanced aliens invade human society?
  • You must tell a compelling story. You can have a great idea, or a situation, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a good story. Even though daily science fiction novels can be thought experiments, they are not limited to being thought experiments. This means that you will need to create a compelling story to answer these questions. Think about the changes that will take place in the world and in the lives of the characters in your story.
  • Your world’s rules should be consistent. Sci-fi novels are distinguished from fantasy and surrealism by the fact that the world, no matter how bizarre or fantastic it may be, still follows a consistent internal logic. This logic will be distinct from reality’s logic, but it must still be understandable and credible for the reader. Although spaceships are common in science fiction works, a spaceship landing in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale would be a violation of Atwood’s rules of reality.
  • Concentrate on character development. You may be distracted by your plot or building your world as a daily science fiction writer. But remember that characters are just as important to your story. You should explore your story idea further if it doesn’t create compelling situations or conflicts that your characters can relate to.
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